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Hi, I'm Vivian Stevens-Lyons.


I believe we all have defining moments in life. Defining moments in our lives are the things that happen to us that also happen in us...meaning there's a shift on the inside of us. I speak about a couple of those moments in my own life to encourage you in yours. Be sure to grab my book, First Class Life® Devotional and be inspired to make the most of life's defining moments. There can be purpose from pain. 

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Having a personal relationship with God is paramount. A personal connection with Him increases our faith and eliminates our fears. We have faith in our parents, our jobs, our cars, etc. Why not have faith in God too? When I was left to feel abandoned and alone after my parents left me, it took me walking in faith. In other words, I had to believe in what I couldn't see to make my way in this life. I know the One who provided for me. I have received the abundant life God has designed for me and you can too, with the right amount of faith (and works). Learn more about my story in the First Class Life Devotional® book.


“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family." - Mother Teresa  
Family should be a priority. We should be intentional to spend time and show love first to our family--despite shortcomings and disagreements. We learn to forgive, support and encourage each other. Growing up the youngest of my parent's children, I knew love. I was one loved child, which is why being orphaned at a young age was tough on me. I've learned a deeper appreciation for family by my life's experiences. And sometimes love costs us something. In the book I talk about what I believe it cost my daddy.


The abundant life God wants to provide us takes work on our part. Properly managing our finances is one way we do our part to ensure we leave a legacy of resources for future generations. That's why you'll find me educating my nieces and nephews on proper budgeting and investing in appreciating assets and eliminating depreciating purchases. We should support and invest in ourselves and in family members' visions. Amen? God has blessed me, and that's part of my testimony, but my humble beginnings...whew! Read more on that in the First Class Life® Devotional book.

Amazing Stories of Others Who've Felt Orphaned & Abandoned Just Like Me...

When I say orphaned, I'm referring to when your parent(s) leave and you're left to fend for yourself before you're ready. The world can seem so big to a kid who lost a parent or both parents. Find inspiration from my story and the stories of Minister Charntrina, LaTisha and Monica who experienced the touch of God in an orphaned state.


Min. Charntrina Spring
My Pain, His Plan

Charntrina has been feeling like a puzzle with 1,000 missing pieces... questioning if there's even a God. When she finds salvation through the television set, she wonders if this God will ever be real to her. Read more of Charntrina's story in the First Class Life® Devotional book.


LaTisha Rush
Faith in the Valley

LaTisha's growing up feeling orphaned. Her childhood was tough. Learn how she's able to learn about God. There's a point when she begins to operate in courageous faith while going through the valley of the shadows of death. Grab the First Class Life® Devotional book to see how.


Monica McGowan
God, My Perpetual Protector & Provider

At 17, her mother takes her to a police station and tells the officer behind the desk, "I don't want her anymore." Learn more about Monica's story. What would life be like for her? Could she make it? See her story unfold in the First Class Life® Devotional book.

  • Non-Fiction Spiritual Self-Help

  • Non-Fiction Motivational Self-Help

  • Personal Growth            

  • vivian-stevens-lyons

    About Author
    Vivian Stevens-Lyons

    I'm devoted to serving people with mental illness, the elderly and the homeless. As an advocate, I assist families navigating the judicial and medical aspect of mental health. Also, I love what I get to do as owner of Martha's Medical Transportation. I'm a real estate investor as well. My plate's full most days, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have a heart for ministry and seeing others, especially the younger generations, come into their faith, which is why I proudly serve as a minister and leader for the prayer team at C3 Hampton. And, also why my heart led me to share my testimony in the First Class Life® Devotional book. You have to get the book.

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